

Elevated Control in the Cloud

Compliance in Accounting

Progressive laws and ever-evolving regulations mean businesses need to be on their toes to comply with them. Compliance in accounting implies the need to achieve accurate financial reporting that is in line with current laws and regulations to avoid financial fraud and misconduct.

Compliance reports are commonly produced and available to third parties, including the general public. A rigorous process for recording and verifying financial transactions in generating a set of compliance reports is required. An in-depth analysis of the financial operations and transactions is essential to advise the business on strategic development.


Obtain maximum compliance with BlackLine

Identify Risks with a Single Touch

BlackLine's cloud solution by virtue of its architecture is updated in real-time to help companies stay compliant with all regulatory requirements. The system will automatically ensure information is acted on as soon as it is received, replacing repetitive actions with a custom and automated workflow. The shifting expectations around audit and control management require finance and accounting (F&A) teams to remain vigilant in identifying and monitoring risks.

Proactive Responses to Pragmatic Policies

By automating and standardising workflow processes to accommodate the latest regulatory requirements, BlackLine assists accounting and finance management in shifting from a reactive to an increasingly proactive and holistic approach, enabling businesses to refocus their efforts from identifying risks to controlling workflows. BlackLine's cloud-based solution automates and standardises workflows to keep you compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.

Real-time Intelligence

Identify risks and execute control workflows with BlackLine's compliance solution. This cloud-based solution is equipped with real-time intelligence, allowing your management team to gain a comprehensive understanding of the risks addressed, audits performed, issues identified, and remedial steps taken.

Increase Efficiency

BlackLine’s compliance unifies all your compliance documentation, projects and stakeholders in a single centralised cloud-based system.

BlackLine’s Compliance as Your Cloud Assistant

BlackLine Compliance can accommodate anything from RCM management to PBC requests and SOX 302/404 audits. With a central command centre for seamless workflows and collaborative communication management, you are equipped to focus on what is crucial: value-adding activities, such as discrepancy analysis and reconciliation.

Introduce Progressive Moves to Grow Your Business

Recognising market trends and adapting to a cloud service that works for your company are crucial. As a prominent financial digital transformation agent, PointStar Consuting’s partnership with BlackLine provides the best solution for your business that is market-ready. PointStar Consulting has assisted businesses in seamlessly transitioning from their conservative approaches to a more progressive approach through the implementation of cloud ERP.

Why Choose PointStar Consulting

PointStar Consulting is an award-winning financial digital transformation consultancy with over 14 years of experience in helping businesses automate and digitise their accounting and financial processes.

Headquartered in Singapore, PointStar Consulting has since grown rapidly as a leading financial cloud services provider, and a trusted BlackLine Partner in the Asean and Asia Pacific regions, with clients in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea.

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